There is not a subject that I have written about over the last several years that I have received the most criticsm for than the topic of UN/foreign troops on American soil. To those who persist on engaging in cognitive dissonance, here is my answer to you, presented in a respectful manner.
In 2012-13, I published many photos of Russian soldiers on American soil. Here is an example as these Russian soldiers, are pictured while training at Ft. Carson in Colorado Springs.
Reports from Tennessee and Kentucky
Then there is Sherrie Wilcox of Knoxville,TN. Sherrie has seen and photographed DHS armored vehicles back in March with Russian soldiers manning the vehicles in eastern Tennessee and Western Kentucky. The following video details how Russians are training in DHS vehicles. This was back in 2011.
I could fill a book with examples of UN/Foreign troops on American soil. The abovementioned three examples are merely prepatory background material in order to lay the groundwork for the latest example of UN/Foreign troops on American soil.
From WNEM TV in Michigan:
Military units landing in Michigan for training
Posted: Aug 01, 2016
“Military units from Michigan, Latvia, Canada and Poland are participating in August in training called Exercise Northern Strike.
They’ll be in Michigan for the training that combines air and ground combat capability drills. The exercise starts Monday and runs through Aug. 20. The Michigan National Guard says the first few days are mostly buildup for the exercise before it gets into full swing Aug. 7.
The Guard says about 5,000 military members will participate. Briefings will take place during the training at Camp Grayling and most of the military members involved will be operating from the camp or the Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center.
Live-fire exercises involving small arms, mortars, artillery and aerial are planned.”
Camp Grayling Is a FEMA Camp
Camp Grayling is a FEMA camp facility in Grayling, MI., and was the sight of martial law training for the Michigan National guard which commenced on July 15, 2015, during the Jade 15 Operation. This facility also houses hundred of UN military vehicles.
The foreign troops training at the FEMA Camp facility, Camp Grayling, are clearly UN troops who are undoubtedly training for the inevitable.
With regard to Obama’s latest July 1st executive order:
United Nations “peacekeepers” may soon arrive and see action on American soil following the United States’ announcement of support for “a set of principles that give a green light for U.N. peacekeeping troops and police to use force to protect civilians in armed conflicts,” Military Times .
This morning I received this email from an eyewitness to the treason going on at Camp Grayling.
My Buddy Tim and I had an opportunity to take a Camp Grayling Open House Tour in June of 2015 and I have several video clips of something you folks are not talking about. The videos are of the Multi Million Dollar Urban Assault “Village” located on the Camp Grayling Reservation way out in the boonies. This is not the Middle East Assault Village also located on the reservation…it’s the USA Village; Church, Post Office, Bank and every building found in a Small Town USA. To show that this village is real; Youtube Search “OP Blacksheep @Camp Grayling” You can see some of the actual buildings.Anyway, I have an attached updated photos of the “Prison Camp” that was upgraded with new Buildings and Communications Tower; Military Tour Guide says “ATT Tower” Yeah Right just happens to be right on the front gate of a Prison Training Facility.
Anyway, I want to snail mail a memory stick with everything I have, Videos, Stills, Satellite over time to show upgrading the prison site has undertaken. Bottom-line the govt is dumping million$ into this Camp Grayling, to include many-many new barracks buildings. THIS IS WHERE those TROOPS are TRAINING THIS SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bob
It has begun. There is no question that this odd collection of international troops training on US soil are UN troops regardless of what they call them. It is also highly suspicious that the foreign troop training is being held at a known FEMA Camp. Add in Obama’s most recent Executive Order that deals with UN troops subjugating US citizens is an interesting add-on. Just how many coincidences do we accept before every reasonable person has to admit what is really going on?
There are other questions that need to be asked. Are these foreign troops here, at this time, to enforce martial law and prevent civil unrest from spreading when the election is cancelled. Are these troops here to engage in gun confiscation as per the UN Small Arms Treaty. Of course there are some that will point out that this is a multi-national military exercise preparing for World War III with Russia and China. At this time, I do not believe that this is the case. If this was really a World War III exercise, it would be held at a place like Fort Carson instead of at a known FEMA camp. Camp Grayling.
Does anyone else feel the anticipation that the final showdown is drawing near?
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