Top Ten Survival Skills – Find Water

Top Ten Survival Skills

frog drinkingNumber 3 – GET DRINKING WATER

Water is life – without water you will barely last three days before your whole body starts to shut down – this is not good news if you’re in an emergency survival situation.

Add this to the fact that you cannot drink just any old water that’s laying around, then things can go south pretty fast.

Salt water is a definite no no, and from there you must decide what represents the lesser risk if you have to drink from any other place like a stagnant pond or a free flowing mountain stream.

To most of us preppers having the knowledge to be able to produce safe drinking water from these sources is a survival skill that requires learning and putting into practice.

In theory, you can drink just about any water. In practice you have to decide how much of a risk you are prepared to take by drinking that water.

The difference between your choice can mean life or death – as simple as that.

soar stillsolar transpiration using plastic bagwater boiling over open firewater tablets




With no modern means of purifying your drinking water, these traditional skills must be leaned, as in a desperate survival situation you make have to use them.

It’s the ultimate catch 22 – without water you WILL die – if you don’t have the survival skills to get water and make it safe to drink, then, at the very least, you will become ill, dehydrate even more and then die…!

This is one of the big essential survival skills you MUST learn.
So, do you think you get drinking water..?

next page here >  How to get safe drinking water.

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