18 Practical Ways to Use the Ashes from Your Fireplace March 23, 2025Guest Contributor Comment Follow me Do you heat your house with wood? What to do with the ashes is a question for most. Obviously, you want [...]
THE FIR RESIN MATCH: A Little Known Secret from the Boreal Forest July 24, 2023Wayne Russell Comment Follow me I wanted to share a technique I created that uses fir resin as an effective fire tinder. I call it, The [...]
Will You Survive If You Have to Bug out to the Forest? June 30, 2023John D Comment Follow me In a SHTF situation where you can’t stay in your own home, and moving in with a friend or relative is [...]
Practical Fuels for Off-Grid Survival June 17, 2021June 17, 2021Guest Contributor Comment Follow me Prepping is not just about stocking up for an event such as an economic collapse or a natural disaster that rends [...]
How to make a Wooden Mallet for Bushcraft & Survival March 19, 2020March 19, 2020Creek Stewart Comment Follow me When I was about 10 years old, my Grandfather made my brother and I each a gift – a wooden maul [...]
8 Recipes For Making Homemade Extracts October 21, 2019October 21, 2019TESS PENNINGTON Comment Follow me There’s nothing like homemade extracts to really bring out the flavor in your baked goods and beverages. Here are 8 delicious, [...]
Bamboo: Scourge or Smart Prepper Resource July 1, 2015June 22, 2017Pat Henry Comment Follow me I was talking to some friends the other week and the subject of bamboo came up. My one friend was discussing [...]