Make Your Own: 10 Herbal Tea Blends You Can Grow in Your Garden February 9, 2025TESS PENNINGTON Comment Follow me From a sustainability standpoint, herbs are one of the easiest plants to produce. Many of the herbs we grow are perennials and [...]
Grow your medicine: Japanese goldthread grown with hydroponics is just as potent as wild variants February 11, 2021February 11, 2021Evangelyn Rodriguez Comment Follow me Hydroponics is a form of gardening that doesn’t involve soil. Instead, plants are grown in a nutrient solution and a controlled [...]
10 Healing superfoods you can easily grow in your garden May 23, 2018tpd Comment Follow me The key to a healthy diet is within your reach. You don’t need to go far to get it – since [...]
Money and Control: Why the FDA is Cracking Down on Natural Medicine Supplies February 15, 2018tpd Comment Follow me If you are an avid believer in alternative medicine, you need to be aware of a growing concern. In January, the FDA [...]
Opium-like painkiller alternative can be found growing in your backyard July 29, 2017tpd 3 Follow me If you’re suffering from pain of any type, your first impulse might be to reach for a pill. If that is [...]
Top five emergency first aid items you probably didn’t even realize were medicine October 24, 2016October 24, 2016tpd Comment Follow me When it comes to emergency medicine for preppers, everybody is already aware of the extraordinary usefulness of things like nano silver, [...]
Bullet proof immune system – how to not get a cold ever September 24, 2016tpd Comment Follow me You don’t have to catch the next flu. With the right combination of supplements, in most cases, you can knock out, [...]