Prep Blog Review: Back To Gardening!

Spring is just one day away and honestly we couldn’t be more excited about it! Flowers will blossom soon, everything will be green again, we will happily resume our gardening and we bet so will you.

This week we stumbled upon some great articles that will set you in the right mind frame and will definitely make you anticipate all the gardening work. So scroll through them and let us know what your gardening plans are for this spring, in the comments section below!

1. How to Grow an Avocado Tree From Seed

“After eating your favorite avocado, don’t throw the seed away! Grow a beautiful decorative houseplant or even your own avocado tree following these simple steps.

Materials needed:

· Avocado pit/seed

· Small, clear bottle in order to see the roots grow

· Water

· Toothpicks”

Read more on Mike’s Backyard Nursery.

2. How To Fail at Gardening

Tomato starts“We had no idea we wanted to be homesteaders then, let alone as self sufficient as we are. We just wanted to raise our family, in a home with a decent sized backyard. Who knew we would be able to turn that backyard into the ability to raise 75% of our family’s food each year? Certainly not us! However, we have made so many mistakes along the way. And, as part of our learning, mistakes are AWESOME. They tell us what didn’t work, and give us the ability to try again.

That seems to be our biggest mistake in any undertaking, the lack of think through and planning for the final project. We had come across some great books on square foot gardening, and thought “that’s really cool, totally for us”. So, we put together 2 4×4 beds, and filled it with dirt from the yard.

Read more on The Homesteading Hippy.

3. 8 Ways To Use Chickens In The Garden

Black chickens“I am continually blown away by the power of chickens in the garden! They’re such great workers, I would keep them even if couldn’t eat their eggs or meat. Plus, they reproduce themselves, unlike any man-made tool.

In this article, I’ll explore eight different ways you can use chickens in the garden. You’ll discover how you can put chickens to work by providing nitrogen for your compost pile, replacing machine tillers, fertilizing your garden, turning compost, spreading mulch, disposing of your garbage, controlling pests and sanitizing your orchard. Let’s go…”

Read more on The Prairie Homestead.


4. Secrets of a Successful Organic Garden

Organic gardening“This little YouTube gem is loaded with succinct advice you can apply to your garden – whether you are just beginning, or have already established your green thumb.

Among the best advice is how to use water wisely – collecting rainwater (the best source) when possible, using Clay Garden Ollas to accumulate ‘sweated’ atmospheric water right into your garden, and some strategies for filtering out toxins like fluoride and chlorine when using city/tap water (if you must), such as this garden hose filter that removes chlorine, etc.or a whole house reverse osmosis water filter system.”

Read more on Ready Nutrition.

5. Uses for Milkweed

Milkweed plant“Caution: Do not get milkweed sap in your eyes wash your hands thoroughly after handling the plant. Also, some people may develop an allergic reaction when the sap touches the skin.

There are many other variations of milkweed they are similar in use

Common Milkweed grows up to six feet tall. It has large, broad leaves, usually four to ten inches long. They sometimes have red veins.Pink to purple flowers. Green pods. Upright or erect. Found in Thickets on the roadsides, dry fields and waste places.

It is another easy to cultivate plant.

Time of year Main bloom time is early summer to early fall
Location: Eastern to Kansas ”

Read more on Prepper Herb of the Week.

This article has been written by Brenda E. Walsh for Survivopedia.

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Source:: Survivopedia

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